Interested in working at duisport?
Are you the type of person who likes to get things done? With initiative? In a team?
Creative, committed and innovative?
duisport as an employer with a future
We rely on forward-looking, targeted, sustainable human resource development and education that is tailored to the market and logistics requirements.
As a responsible employer, we continuously promote the strengths and expertise of our employees and offer them the type of opportunities that they require to succeed to the best of their abilities. Attractive working conditions, part-time models or a broad range of sports offerings are a matter of course at duisport.
Everybody talks about the shortage of skilled labor and lack of young talent - we are actively working to address this issue: Since 2016 duisport receives the most established independent seal of approval for in-company training (“Ausgezeichneter Ausbildungsbetrieb”) each year. This award honored the strong commitment of the Port of Duisburg and the high marks it received from the apprentices themselves.