Current press releases of duisport group

Joint venture: RWE Power and duisport collaborate to develop a bimodal commercial and industrial park

Duisburger Hafen AG (duisport) and RWE Power AG will establish a project company for the development of a modern commercial and industrial park with a connected container terminal. Working closely with the municipalities and the region, the project company will develop and market a plot of land. Most of the approximately 53-hectare plot consists of the recultivated area of the Garzweiler surface mine in Grevenbroich and Jüchen.

A total of 45 hectares will be made available for commercial-industrial use, while an eight-hectare parcel has been set aside for a combined transportation terminal (container terminal). This means that the park can also be connected to the national rail freight network. The logistics distribution centers that are located in the vicinity of the planned industrial park can also benefit from the construction of a terminal, as it provides them with the option to shift their transport from road to rail.

As a commercial and industrial park, the parcel offers the ideal conditions for attracting top companies, including the nearby Autobahn connection to the A 46 and A 540.

“We are aware of our responsibility to the region. The development and marketing of such areas requires a lot of expertise, a good network as well as numerous discussions with the involved municipalities and interested companies, to ensure that the region will also benefit in the long term,” emphasizes Lars Kulik, member of the RWE Power Executive Board. “Among other things, duisport contributes its special experience in developing integrated traffic concepts and logistics sites to the joint venture with RWE Power,” says Kulik.

“We also intend to develop a major commercial center with many workplaces on the left side of the Niederrhein. This highly-attractive location expands our site portfolio”, adds duisport Chief Executive Officer Erich Staake. “We are pleased that we are able to implement a project that has such structural importance for the entire Rhine-Ruhr region together with our strong partner RWE Power. It will strengthen the logistics industry, which is so important to North-Rhine Westphalia, for the long term,” says Staake.

duisport retains 36th place among the world’s largest ports

Container handling volumes remain

Solar film for building fronts

Important partners for business in China

The Duisburger Hafen AG (duisport) and Chongqing, the Chinese metropolis of 30 million, intensify their collaboration. This agreement was made between Erich Staake, Chief Executive Officer of duisport and Liu Guiping, mayor of Chongqing, who visited the port together with Chinese consul general Feng Haiyang.

Of the 30 freight trains that currently travel weekly between duisport and various Chinese destinations, the route between Duisburg and Chongqing, which was started in 2011, is the oldest within the silk road initiative “Belt & Road”. Since 2011, the world's largest inland port has been a start and end point for the freight trains that travel regularly between various destinations in China and Europe. Mainly electrical appliances and components made by locally Chongqing-based, globally active electrical engineering companies are imported from Chongqing, one of the largest industrial locations around the world. Mayor Liu Guiping pointed out that more than 2000 freight trains had traveled between duisport and Chongqing since 2011.

Chinese President Xi Jinping acknowledged the economic importance of this freight train connection by choosing the Port of Duisburg as his only company visit during his 2014 trip to Europe.

In future, duisport and Chongqing want to focus their collaboration mainly on joint projects within “Belt & Road”. Travel time of freight trains is to be reduced in particular, which is currently between 12 to 13 days. “Chongqing is an extraordinary partner for our China business, with whom we will engage in continuous dialog along with our partners from industry and logistics. This collaboration with the most important logistics hub in China ensures that trade with China will continue to be one of our growth drivers”, says Erich Staake.

duisport supports Common Purpose